At the Night of Hasbergen, a vitafit running supported event, one of the rare 5k Elite races was realized. While the night at a special Midsommar Edition in 2021 was one of the first full running events in Germany after the pandemic, this year the full programm was planned with more time in advance and got a new date at the last friday night of May.
Besides several hobby runs the Elite race was set over 5k and attracted vitafit running as well as other international athletes and the local and national elite. While two other vitafit athletes struggled with visa problems it was an easy win for Ugandan Ezekiel Chepkorom in his first 5k race on the road. Besides that it was his first ever win in a race, even he participated in so many races over the world already. He was followed by Julian Gering, a young German talent, as well as Manuel Abellán of Spain,
At the ladies race Christina Gerding, a German pro-runner, won with around 12 sec. before Mexican Margarita Hérnandez Flores and Giselle Àlvarez Rivera who already had a race in Aschaffenburg the week before.