After 3 years the Residenzlauf at Wurzburg came back, a race which earlier had athletes up to the former 10k-world record holder Leonard Komon and produces world-class times like season bests. Even the field is less strong than before, the course remains the same and athlete can run good PB’s
That was the idea of Katherine Tisalema Puruncaja of Ecuador. COming with a great PB and beeing the favorite of the race she still noticed a half marathon from the last month inside her legs and had also not the best day. While two ladies went ahead from the beginning at least a 3rd place seemed to be sure but on the last meters before the finish line she did not notice in a mixed-race that another lady passed her. So it was a 4th palce with a 34:47, just 2 seconds behind the podium.
In Mexico René Ortiz Morales came back to competition after an injury break and ran 10000m on the track in 30:17 min. A good comeback and on the way for the next international race, which will be a half marathon in the US in June.