Cold, Rainy Marathons over Europe

At another busy marathon weekend many marathons all over Europe were affected by cold and rainy conditions. So dropped out almost half the Elite field at Cracovia Marathon, an IAAF Label-Race in Polands second biggest city. Vitafit running’s guest Dominic Mibei was also affected by the cold weather trying his marathon debut.

Much better and with a big suprise ended ended the Zurich Marathon in Switzerland for vitafit running. Even here athletes already faced a big rain shower and cold 5 degrees during warm-up but a leading group of 7 athletes from 4 nationalities went halfway in a constant pace and remained till kilometer 25 together. Vitafit running’s Kepha Ongeri Odima was cared for the pace and was supposed to run till 30k.

As he was at 30k remaining alone with another 2 out of the 7 athletes he decided to go on. He finished his first city marathon in third place making hisself a marathoner on this morning and suprising everybody.